Territory: 110,994 sq. km
Location: South-eastern Europe, on the Balkan peninsula
Geographic location: 22°-28° eastern longitude, 41°-44° northern latitude
Capital city: Sofia (1,350,000 inhabitants)
Large cities: Plovdiv (339,000 inhabitants), Varna (325,000 inhabitants), Burgas (210,000 inhabitants), Russe (162,000 inhabitants)
Longest river: Iskar (368 km)
Highest peak: Mussala (2,925 m)
Seashore length: 354 km
Population: 7.54 mill. (2003 census)
Population density: 71 inh./sq. km
Population growth: minus 1.09% (2003 census)
Life expectancy: males 68 years, females 75 years
Minorities: Turks 10%, Roma, Macedonians, etc approximately 5%
Religion: 88% Eastern Orthodox Christians, 10% Muslims
Official language: Bulgarian. The Cyrillic alphabet is in use.
System of government: Parliamentary republic
Number of the foreign tourists: (2003): 3,531,567 (2003/2002= +18.01%), of which 534,582 from Germany and 159,341 from Great Britain
Number of the foreign tourists: (2004): 4,010,326 (2004/2003= +13.56%), of which 565,337 from Germany and 259,092 from Great Britain.